WTF is a NFT
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data or digitally created/uploaded item that can be stored / minted on a blockchain, aka form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded. Types of NFT data units may be associated with digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. Because each token is uniquely identifiable NFT ledgers claim to provide a public certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership, the remaining legal rights conveyed by an NFT contact can help better determine its value. I.e Copyrights and iP or intellectual property rights as well are to be negotiated with the NFT purchase contract via crypto currency.

NFT or THE ULTIMATE certificate of authenticity: An ERC-1155 attachment proves legitimate *digital ownership, much like the title to a motor vehicle. However this kind of C.O.A is crypto tangible and stored on the Blockchain ( un-editable technology for the digital / e-commerce space ) "screen shots" will never have this cape-or-tangibility. PsNFTs are currently minted on the Polygon blockchain to help reduce "GAS" / transaction fees. BTW WTF is click the logo to learn.
Supporters will receive 1 FREE NFT with select Poorstar purchase(s) as a gateway into the crypto trading space, passing back the power of potentially profiting *WITH us as a community instead of traditional 1 way process.
A Meta mask crypto wallet is required to receive your NFT perk so be sure copy and paste your crypto wallet address into the form below.
P.s Once you download your Meta mask wallet it will automatically create you an OpenSeas account ( like Ebay ) of NFTs that you can access via the browser tab with in the menu of your Meta wallet. Menu > Browser > search: Open Seas and sign in. There you will be able to set your profile picture, collect, buy or even sell your PsNFT, taking the phrase invest in small business to level where you can actually/potentially profit. Literally we've giving you piece of digital art from the Janitors closet to sell, hell the damn thing gotta be worth more then ya have it haha. So feel free to set up your OpenSeas profile and the "floor price" of this PsNFT and potentially earn some crypto along with us.